Thursday 26 September 2013

The Story Doesn't End When The Support Does

Around two years ago support worker Barbara finished working with a gentleman after two difficult years.

His story began when he was only a child as his mother left him, leaving him with feelings of abandonment.

This in later life caused him to suffer from mental health issues, which led him to experiencing substance misuse, and this then to offending behavior.

During this difficult 25 years of his life he had also attempted suicide more than once, he was in a very bad way.

Barbara supported him through all of these issues, and eventually was even able to help him back in to employment.

Just recently she bumped into this man that she supported and was thrilled to find that things were going brilliantly for him.

He has been substance free for 3 years, isn't experiencing any manifestations of his mental health issues,  is working voluntarily whilst studying, and has full contact with his family.

It was incredible to see that even after the support from The Whitechapel had ended this man had continued to work hard to make his life better.

On meeting with Barbara again he said, "I forgot to thank you and The Whitechapel for all you did for me, I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for you".

The Whitechapel Centre

To find out more about the work that the Dual Diagnosis team does, and how you can help, please visit our website at:

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Positive Futures Gardening at The Whitechapel Centre

The Whitechapel Centre  was  approached by Nicki Connelly  from Positive Futures Liverpool to talk about ways they could become involved in the work that we do.

Positive Futures  works  with young people to help them with personal development, gain education, access  training,  receive mentoring and  take part in both one to one and group activities. 

The hope is that it will then enable young people  to aim high and  facilitate  their own great futures.

A group of 32 young people came over two days on work placements to help The Whitechapel Centre to maintain, develop and deliver gardening sessions along side our clients at a local community gardening project.

The group taking a break from work
The young people where not shy about getting their hands dirty and they made a tremendous effort in helping to improve the local landscape. With the help of Dennis Joynson, our resident horticultural teacher, the young people  where able to learn and gain some knowledge about gardening.

Working hard in the Kensington Community
It was   a great  couple of days with the young people, they were shown around the Enablement Centre  and met with clients. They were also given information on all the different projects that The Whitechapel delivers.

A couple of weeks later we received an invitation to attend a passing out night for the Positive Futures class of 2013. 

It was a privilege to attend and see all the young  ladies  beautifully dressed, and  the young men 'suited and booted'. On the night team leader, Alan Walsh praised them all for all their efforts in the various projects they had contributed to and rightly declared them fine young adults.

The Whitechapel received some lovely news from Nicki  on the night,  through the fund raising efforts of those who attended The Whitechapel gardening project is to received £100 donation.

From The Whitechapel gardening group a big thank you to all at Positive Futures and good luck for the future.

To find out more about the work that is carried out at our Enablement Centre, or to see who you can become involved please visit our website at:

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Busy Weekend of Frolics and Fundraising for The Whitechapel Centre

This weekend proved to be very eventful for many of us here at The Whitechapel Centre as staff, their families, our volunteers and supporters took part in three big events across Merseyside.

Firstly starting early Sunday morning our CEO, David Carter, took part in a sponsored zip slide off the Runcorn Bridge.

David feeling exhilarated after his experience.

He was followed by Whitechapel supporter Mia Zaidel, who also braved the climb up to the starting point high up on the bridge before starting her slide.

There were due to be three other sliders that day, support worker Lisa, her partner Lee and my other half Patrick, for whom Barclays have agreed to match his fundraising pound for pound. Unfortunately circumstances beyond our control meant that they weren't able to participate that day, however the company running the event have assured us that they will reschedule as soon as possible, so watch this space!

This wasn't the only event that we were a part of that day, as across the city a group of Whitechapel staff, their families and friends, took part in a pantomime horse race at Aintree Racecourse.

Those who took part in the Grandest Charity Horse Race also made their way into the Guinness Book of Records for the most pantomime horses racing at one time.

Pantomime horses at the ready!
The race was great fun, despite the terrible weather, and a huge thank you goes out to all of our racers, Richie Smith, Enablement Centre manager, Alison Benbow and Nicky Oaks from Belvidere Family Centre for braving the wind and rain to dress up as a horse and run through the mud for both Whitechapel and Belvidere.

We would also like to thank our very special stand by riders, Yusef and Tom, who had both volunteered their services but due to the inclement weather the obstacle course race was cancelled - thanks boys!

Finally, across the Mersey our final set of fundraisers were taking part in the Hoylake 10k. Outreach manager Russell and volunteer Jen both took part in the race, and completed it in 46mins and 70 mins respectively, brilliant given the conditions.

Russ and Jen
This weekend has shown how much support we have, firstly from staff and volunteers who give their own time to support the charity they work for. Secondly from friends and family of our staff who give their time to help fundraise, and raise the profile of the work that we do. Thirdly from the people who recognise the value in The Whitechapel Centre's work with those who are, or at risk of being, homeless.

For all those who took part in this weekend's various events THANK YOU from all at The Whitechapel Centre.

To find out more about the work that we do, and to see how you can help please visit our website at:

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Nasty Gnashers and Dreadful Dentures

This week a group of ten service users set off for the Victoria Museum. This is one of Liverpool's lesser known museums and can be found amongst the university buildings on Brownlow Hill.

It is full of strange and wonderful collections, one which really grabbed our attention was the Dentistry Exhibition which had an exceedingly macabre collection of grim looking false teeth, some of which hailed from the 18th century.

We saw a terrifying looking dental surgery which would have been where our Victorian forebears would have suffered in agony having their teeth pulled out. We all agreed that it didn't look very inviting.

John was inspired to visit the dentist!

Our students also saw more of Audubon's bird paintings in one of the rooms and in another gallery room, showing paintings 'Inspired by Light', we were all thrilled to see a stunning Turner depicting a volcano erupting.

Everyone was amazed by this hidden gem of a building, John said, "I think I'd better make a trip to the dentist!"

To find out more about the work that we do at the Whitechapel Centre please visit our website at:

Thursday 5 September 2013

Support on to cookery course leads to a new life - and Italian dream come true.

Resettlement Support Worker, Sara, started working with Jasmine just as she was leaving rehabilitation after experiencing issues with alcohol.

Jasmine was starting up again, and need a new home, her only request being that it was 'somewhere near to birds and trees'.

Sara supported her into a new tenancy which had everything that she needed, including space for her family to stay.

Jasmine's troubles had meant that her four children were not living with her, but with the right help and support her situation has changed, and she now has shared care.

She also started to work as a volunteer in another of Liverpool's homeless centres, The Basement, were she is doing really well gaining new skills and increased confidence.

Whilst working with Jasmine, Sara spotted a cookery course that was available to her, the ALCE (Appetite for Learning Comes with Eating) at Merseyside Expanding Horizons in Old Swann.

Jasmine has showed such promise on the European wide course for women that they are taking her on a four day trip to Italy as a reward.

'The new' Jasmine
Sara is extremely proud of how Jasmine has turned her life around, and Jasmine said, "There is definitely a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - yippee, cant wait to get to Italy with the new me!!".

For more information on the work that is carried out by our Resettlement team, please visit our website at:

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Whitechapel's Visit to St George's Hall

The grandeur of St George's Hall captured the imagination of seven service users and two members of staff on another visit to look at more of Liverpool's grade 1 listed buildings. 

This eye catching building dominates the the area opposite Lime Street Station.

What a lot it has to offer; from the ornate and beautiful main room, which frequently displays the fabulous minton floor, to the eerie cells where prisoners were kept almost two centuries ago.

Photographs of the felons lend realism to the dark cavities where men and women awaited their fate. You can also visit the court room where the judge sat presiding over the proceedings.

It looks as if the justice system in much kinder now as there was evidence of a whipping chair which looked as it it had been over used.

Ashleigh and Jonathan next to the whipping chair
Afterwards we all sat with a cup of coffee and talked about the visit. Young Ashleigh, who had never been inside the hall before said, "I'd like to get married here!".

To find out more about our Enablement Sessions and the work that we do at The Whitechapel Centre please visit our website at: