Wednesday 18 September 2013

Positive Futures Gardening at The Whitechapel Centre

The Whitechapel Centre  was  approached by Nicki Connelly  from Positive Futures Liverpool to talk about ways they could become involved in the work that we do.

Positive Futures  works  with young people to help them with personal development, gain education, access  training,  receive mentoring and  take part in both one to one and group activities. 

The hope is that it will then enable young people  to aim high and  facilitate  their own great futures.

A group of 32 young people came over two days on work placements to help The Whitechapel Centre to maintain, develop and deliver gardening sessions along side our clients at a local community gardening project.

The group taking a break from work
The young people where not shy about getting their hands dirty and they made a tremendous effort in helping to improve the local landscape. With the help of Dennis Joynson, our resident horticultural teacher, the young people  where able to learn and gain some knowledge about gardening.

Working hard in the Kensington Community
It was   a great  couple of days with the young people, they were shown around the Enablement Centre  and met with clients. They were also given information on all the different projects that The Whitechapel delivers.

A couple of weeks later we received an invitation to attend a passing out night for the Positive Futures class of 2013. 

It was a privilege to attend and see all the young  ladies  beautifully dressed, and  the young men 'suited and booted'. On the night team leader, Alan Walsh praised them all for all their efforts in the various projects they had contributed to and rightly declared them fine young adults.

The Whitechapel received some lovely news from Nicki  on the night,  through the fund raising efforts of those who attended The Whitechapel gardening project is to received £100 donation.

From The Whitechapel gardening group a big thank you to all at Positive Futures and good luck for the future.

To find out more about the work that is carried out at our Enablement Centre, or to see who you can become involved please visit our website at: