Jasmine was starting up again, and need a new home, her only request being that it was 'somewhere near to birds and trees'.
Sara supported her into a new tenancy which had everything that she needed, including space for her family to stay.
Jasmine's troubles had meant that her four children were not living with her, but with the right help and support her situation has changed, and she now has shared care.
She also started to work as a volunteer in another of Liverpool's homeless centres, The Basement, were she is doing really well gaining new skills and increased confidence.
Whilst working with Jasmine, Sara spotted a cookery course that was available to her, the ALCE (Appetite for Learning Comes with Eating) at Merseyside Expanding Horizons in Old Swann.
Jasmine has showed such promise on the European wide course for women that they are taking her on a four day trip to Italy as a reward.
'The new' Jasmine |
For more information on the work that is carried out by our Resettlement team, please visit our website at:http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk