Tuesday 3 September 2013

Whitechapel's Visit to St George's Hall

The grandeur of St George's Hall captured the imagination of seven service users and two members of staff on another visit to look at more of Liverpool's grade 1 listed buildings. 

This eye catching building dominates the the area opposite Lime Street Station.

What a lot it has to offer; from the ornate and beautiful main room, which frequently displays the fabulous minton floor, to the eerie cells where prisoners were kept almost two centuries ago.

Photographs of the felons lend realism to the dark cavities where men and women awaited their fate. You can also visit the court room where the judge sat presiding over the proceedings.

It looks as if the justice system in much kinder now as there was evidence of a whipping chair which looked as it it had been over used.

Ashleigh and Jonathan next to the whipping chair
Afterwards we all sat with a cup of coffee and talked about the visit. Young Ashleigh, who had never been inside the hall before said, "I'd like to get married here!".

To find out more about our Enablement Sessions and the work that we do at The Whitechapel Centre please visit our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk