Tuesday 17 September 2013

Busy Weekend of Frolics and Fundraising for The Whitechapel Centre

This weekend proved to be very eventful for many of us here at The Whitechapel Centre as staff, their families, our volunteers and supporters took part in three big events across Merseyside.

Firstly starting early Sunday morning our CEO, David Carter, took part in a sponsored zip slide off the Runcorn Bridge.

David feeling exhilarated after his experience.

He was followed by Whitechapel supporter Mia Zaidel, who also braved the climb up to the starting point high up on the bridge before starting her slide.

There were due to be three other sliders that day, support worker Lisa, her partner Lee and my other half Patrick, for whom Barclays have agreed to match his fundraising pound for pound. Unfortunately circumstances beyond our control meant that they weren't able to participate that day, however the company running the event have assured us that they will reschedule as soon as possible, so watch this space!

This wasn't the only event that we were a part of that day, as across the city a group of Whitechapel staff, their families and friends, took part in a pantomime horse race at Aintree Racecourse.

Those who took part in the Grandest Charity Horse Race also made their way into the Guinness Book of Records for the most pantomime horses racing at one time.

Pantomime horses at the ready!
The race was great fun, despite the terrible weather, and a huge thank you goes out to all of our racers, Richie Smith, Enablement Centre manager, Alison Benbow and Nicky Oaks from Belvidere Family Centre for braving the wind and rain to dress up as a horse and run through the mud for both Whitechapel and Belvidere.

We would also like to thank our very special stand by riders, Yusef and Tom, who had both volunteered their services but due to the inclement weather the obstacle course race was cancelled - thanks boys!

Finally, across the Mersey our final set of fundraisers were taking part in the Hoylake 10k. Outreach manager Russell and volunteer Jen both took part in the race, and completed it in 46mins and 70 mins respectively, brilliant given the conditions.

Russ and Jen
This weekend has shown how much support we have, firstly from staff and volunteers who give their own time to support the charity they work for. Secondly from friends and family of our staff who give their time to help fundraise, and raise the profile of the work that we do. Thirdly from the people who recognise the value in The Whitechapel Centre's work with those who are, or at risk of being, homeless.

For all those who took part in this weekend's various events THANK YOU from all at The Whitechapel Centre.

To find out more about the work that we do, and to see how you can help please visit our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk