Tuesday 31 July 2012

Liverpool to Chester bike ride - The Whitechapel team did it again!!

On Sunday 8th July the Whitechapel riders took part in the annual Liverpool to Chester bike ride, again to raise funds for the invaluable work that we carry out.

The day was another great success for the team, if only because by complete chance it happened to be one of the very few dry days we have had this summer!



 The team all thoroughly enjoyed their day, even if they were too tired to cycle back, that is what trains were made for!

A massive well done, and thank you to all those involved who used their Sunday to take part and raise money for a great cause.

It is not too late to give still, please follow the link: www.justgiving.com/WhitechapelRiders.

For more information the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre do go our website at http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk/.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Robyn's Colourthon Walk is a fundraising triumph!

On Saturday 7th July Robyn English, wife of Whitechapel support worker Gary, took part in this year's Moonlight Colourthon event to raise money for The Whitechapel Centre.

The walk was 13.1 miles long, all the participants were dressed in brightly coloured clothes!

The event was a huge success, and so far Robyn has managed to raise over £200 for the Whitechapel Centre!!

It is still not too late, if you would like to make a dontation please go to http://www.justgiving.com/Robyn-English  and please do so.

We all at The Whitechapel Centre would like to send a massive thank you to Robyn for all her hard work and determination.

For more information on the services that we provide here at The Whitechapel Centre, please take a look at our website following the link http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk/.

Captain of Whitechapel FC has trials for Engalnd team!

Shaun Lennon, captain of the Whitechapel Homeless team, has been picked as one of only 40 people, to take part in trials to play for the England team at the Homeless World Cup in Mexico.

Shaun  is currently gaining  a Level 2 in plumbing sponsored  by Regenda and Morris Construction and is also linked through Job centre  to gain a  Fork Lift Truck licence.

The trials for selection took place on Monday 16/7/12 at Old Trafford, so now it is just a matter of waiting to hear.

Shaun (on the right) with John Bishop earlier this year.

We send Shaun all the luck in the world, he has worked extremely hard to get this far, and just to be picked for trials alone is a huge achievement, well done Shaun!!

For more information on the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre please take a look at our website at http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk/.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Whitechapel Day Out to Loggerheads

On Friday 6th July two of our staff members and a number of service users,  hired a mini bus and went off on a day trip to North Wales.

The group went to Loggerheads Country Park and completed very rousing, and very enjoyable,  4 mile walk.

The trip was organised as part of the pre-volunteering activity and was designed to build confidence, provide new experiences and get the group working as a team.

The group had a great time and were very lucky as they didn't get rained on! They supported each other to overcome challenges, including crossing bridges, muddy puddles and paddling in the river.

For some it was the first time they had left the city for many years and they enjoyed the fresh air and the countryside.

Paul said, “It was the best day out I’ve had in years”.

Altogether the trip was thoroughly loved by all those who went, and was a great way of keeping fit whilst appreciating beautiful scenery and great company.

For more information on the services that we provide at The Whitehcapel Centre please go to our website at http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk/.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Lloyds Register raise funds for The Whitechapel - The Results

Sian after her swim!

On Saturday, 30th June, four representatives of Lloyds Register took part in the Sefton Triathalon to raise money for us here at The Whitechapel Centre.

All four managed to complete the course, and more importantly have raised £262.00 for The Whitechapel, so far!

Sian and Lawrence with their medals.

It is not too late to donate all you have to do is go to their just giving page at: http://www.justgiving.com/whitechapel-wonders.

Alternatively you can donate by text, free from all mobiles, just send the amount ie. £5,  followed by code QGRV 48 to 70070.

A MASSIVE well done to all those who took part, and a huge thank you to Sian and the team from all here at The Whitechapel Centre.

For more information on the work that we carry out and services we provide, please go to: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk

Thursday 5 July 2012

The Whitechapel cyclists ride again - The Liverpool to Chester bike ride 2012

This coming Sunday 8th July The Whitechapel centre will again be taking part in The Liverpool to Chester bike ride. 

The weather forecast is predicted to be torrential rain for most of the day, but despite this staff and volunteers (including 4yr old Erin) are determined to complete the event! 

The event is a gruelling 25 miles from Liverpool,  through the Birkenhead tunnel, all the way to Chester.

They are doing this to raise funds for Whitechapel and make life just a little a bit easier for those that we support.

Last year our intrepid cyclists managed to raise over £500 to help the homeless in Liverpool, and throughout Merseyside, so please help them to beat this target in 2012!

To make a donation please go to http://www.justgiving.com/whitechapelriders all amounts, no matter how small (or large) are more than welcome.

This weekend there is more fundraising going on for The Whitechapel, as Robyn English is taking part in this year's Colourthon (as featured in previous blogs).

To show your support for Robyn and make a donation please go to http://www.justgiving.com/Robyn-English.

As ever for both events there will be lots of pictures to follow!!

To see where your money will be used and to see more about the services we provide please go to our website at http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Kabin Krew performs at The Royal Opera House

The award winning charity 'Streetwise Opera' presented a one-night special event at The Royal Opera House yesterday evening, between 18:30-21:30.

This event showcased the skills of 300 performers, both form the UK and abroad, who have experienced homelessness.

This is part of the London 2012 Festival and is the first time in history that homeless people have been given an official platform at celebrations for an Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Great news is that some of our service users from The Whitechapel Centre, along with Collective Encounters, were asked to be a part of this celebration.

The group, Kabin Krew, gave an outstanding performance of their self written song ‘Seize the Day’, a massive achievement for all those involved.

Details of the group are as follows:

Collective Encounters ‘Kabin Krew’ (Liverpool)

Song: Seize The Day

Simon James (Composer) Abi Horsfield (Director) Simon James, Andy Frizell, Tim O’Shea, Tilo Prinbaum (Musicians on backing track)

Performers: Adele Armstrong, Bernadette Atherton, Emma Folan, John Dermody, Peter Melik

About the group: Collective Encounters is a professional arts organisation specialising in theatre for social change. We run participatory drama projects for people who would not usually access the arts; and don’t often have the chance to be heard.

This was an incredible opportunity for Kabin Krew to show off their talents, which they did wonderfully, thanks to all their hard work, determination and abundance of talent.

Collective Encounters, and Abi in particular, have worked extremely hard with the Whitechapel group, providing amazing support and direction, for which they deserve a massive pat on the back.

For more information on the event, or to watch the performance itself, please go to: http://www.with1voice.org.uk

To find out more about the work we do, and services we provide at The Whitechapel Centre please go to: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk