Thursday 5 July 2012

The Whitechapel cyclists ride again - The Liverpool to Chester bike ride 2012

This coming Sunday 8th July The Whitechapel centre will again be taking part in The Liverpool to Chester bike ride. 

The weather forecast is predicted to be torrential rain for most of the day, but despite this staff and volunteers (including 4yr old Erin) are determined to complete the event! 

The event is a gruelling 25 miles from Liverpool,  through the Birkenhead tunnel, all the way to Chester.

They are doing this to raise funds for Whitechapel and make life just a little a bit easier for those that we support.

Last year our intrepid cyclists managed to raise over £500 to help the homeless in Liverpool, and throughout Merseyside, so please help them to beat this target in 2012!

To make a donation please go to all amounts, no matter how small (or large) are more than welcome.

This weekend there is more fundraising going on for The Whitechapel, as Robyn English is taking part in this year's Colourthon (as featured in previous blogs).

To show your support for Robyn and make a donation please go to

As ever for both events there will be lots of pictures to follow!!

To see where your money will be used and to see more about the services we provide please go to our website at