Wednesday 11 July 2012

Lloyds Register raise funds for The Whitechapel - The Results

Sian after her swim!

On Saturday, 30th June, four representatives of Lloyds Register took part in the Sefton Triathalon to raise money for us here at The Whitechapel Centre.

All four managed to complete the course, and more importantly have raised £262.00 for The Whitechapel, so far!

Sian and Lawrence with their medals.

It is not too late to donate all you have to do is go to their just giving page at:

Alternatively you can donate by text, free from all mobiles, just send the amount ie. £5,  followed by code QGRV 48 to 70070.

A MASSIVE well done to all those who took part, and a huge thank you to Sian and the team from all here at The Whitechapel Centre.

For more information on the work that we carry out and services we provide, please go to: