Wednesday 18 July 2012

Robyn's Colourthon Walk is a fundraising triumph!

On Saturday 7th July Robyn English, wife of Whitechapel support worker Gary, took part in this year's Moonlight Colourthon event to raise money for The Whitechapel Centre.

The walk was 13.1 miles long, all the participants were dressed in brightly coloured clothes!

The event was a huge success, and so far Robyn has managed to raise over £200 for the Whitechapel Centre!!

It is still not too late, if you would like to make a dontation please go to  and please do so.

We all at The Whitechapel Centre would like to send a massive thank you to Robyn for all her hard work and determination.

For more information on the services that we provide here at The Whitechapel Centre, please take a look at our website following the link