Tuesday 17 July 2012

Whitechapel Day Out to Loggerheads

On Friday 6th July two of our staff members and a number of service users,  hired a mini bus and went off on a day trip to North Wales.

The group went to Loggerheads Country Park and completed very rousing, and very enjoyable,  4 mile walk.

The trip was organised as part of the pre-volunteering activity and was designed to build confidence, provide new experiences and get the group working as a team.

The group had a great time and were very lucky as they didn't get rained on! They supported each other to overcome challenges, including crossing bridges, muddy puddles and paddling in the river.

For some it was the first time they had left the city for many years and they enjoyed the fresh air and the countryside.

Paul said, “It was the best day out I’ve had in years”.

Altogether the trip was thoroughly loved by all those who went, and was a great way of keeping fit whilst appreciating beautiful scenery and great company.

For more information on the services that we provide at The Whitehcapel Centre please go to our website at http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk/.