Thursday 3 October 2013

Whitechapel Pre Volunteers Successfully Complete Course

Another set of our pre-volunteers have successfully completed their course, and had a celebratory buffet and presentation service to show it.

The group have taken part in various different training sessions, along with visits out to different sites around the city.

They have learned about culture throughout our city, and visited the libraries and museums to see what they have on view.

Kevin successfully completed the course.
The educational side of the program provides basic first aid training, along with processes for learning how to deal with others also discussion groups and talks from outside tutors.

This quarter at least one of those who have been through the program is going on to join the full volunteer course.

James with his certificate
The course was thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part, there is no time to rest though as the next round of pre volunteers start again on the 1st October.

To find out more about the work that we carry out in our Enablement Centre and all about our MOVE Project please visit our website at: