Tuesday 1 October 2013

Zip Slide off Silver Jubiliee (Runcorn) Bridge - Take 2

On Sunday 29th September three intrepid adventurers made their way to Runcorn Bridge for the second time that month, just so that they could jump off it!

Support worker, Lisa, Lee and Patrick were all returning after their first attempt at a zip slide form the bridge was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, and thankfully this time the sun was shining.

After a short wait they were all kitted out with the relevant equipment, helmet, gloves, and most importantly their harness.

Lee and Lisa before their zip slide.
The group were then taken up to the bridge where they had to cautiously step over the side of the barrier, and start on their zip slide down to the ground.

Lisa about to go!!
 All three successfully completed the challenge, despite their nerves, and conquered any fear of heights so that they could raise money for The Whitechapel Centre.

Patrick just after landing.

After taking part Lisa said, "The Zip was a massive challenge more so for Lee as he has a genuine fear of heights, whilst I found it a challenge, Lee was able to come away from the challenge with a massive sense of achievement at having faced one of his main fears".

Altogether they managed to raised over £1000, which added on to the amounts already raised by David and Mia on the first zip slide makes it a very successful venture indeed.

To find out more about the work that we do at The Whitechapel Centre and to see how you can help please visit our website at: www.http://whitechapelcentre.co.uk