Tuesday 8 October 2013

Gary's Amazing Everest Challenge (and he even left the tshirt to prove it!)

This September Whitechapel support worker, Gary English and his wife Robyn, left the security of their home and started on the precarious trip to climb up a part of The Himalayas.

Their journey took them first to Kathmandu, then on to Lukla airport, which has been described as 'the most dangerous airport in the world', all just to reach their end destination.

From Lukla Gary, Robyn and the rest of their group were led by their guide, Dunbar,  to Everest base camp, it was at this point Gary was taken to meet an Italian climbing group where he enjoyed a very strong and sweet cup of coffee, what he described as a 'very surreal moment'.

Gary sporting his Whitechapel t shirt whilst at Everest base camp.

The following day the group were then taken on the grueling climb up 5545 meters to the top of Kala Patthar.

When they reached the top they went inside a Nepalese Tea House, and on seeing the other mementos that visitors had left came up with the idea of leaving a memory of themselves behind.

Gary (right) with his guide Dunbar and his Whitechapel t shirt hung in the background

The journey didn't end there, the plane flight leaving containing just 14 people had a hole in floor, and at a point of turbulence the air hostess started to pray. When they landed the travelers knew that they had been lucky to have a safe journey home.

Along their emotional and spiritual journey Gary and Robyn met many beautiful people whilst having the experience of a life time.

To find out more about the work that Gary does as part of the Resettlement team at the Whitechapel Centre please visit our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk