Thursday 23 May 2013

Liverpool's new Lord Mayor chooses The Whitechapel Centre to be one of his charities for the year!

On 22nd may, Councillor Gary Millar was sworn in as Liverpool's new Lord Mayor, and has chosen us here at The Whitechapel Centre to be one of his nominated charities.

Councillor Gary Millar - Liverpool's new Lord Mayor (photo courtesy of Liverpool Echo)

Cllr Millar originates from Scotland, but has lived in Liverpool for over 32 years, making our wonderful city his home.

He has long be known to us here at The Whitechapel as he and his partner Steve have supported us through their enterprise at Parr Street Studios.

Four charities have been chosen by Cllr Millar to be recipients of any funds raised, and as ever we are truly honoured to be one of them.

Gary’s first fundraising venture has been to produce an album of WWII songs, covered by Liverpool artists. The CDs are £5 and will be on sale this weekend during the Battle of the Atlantic events.

They will be available at St Georges Hall, the Town Hall and tourist information so if you are out and about in town this weekend you may see them on sale, the reviews so far are excellent!

If you would simply like to donate to all of the chosen charities this is now possible by text message, all you have to do is text “LMAY13£” and an amount to 70070.

We have high hopes of what our new Lord Mayor will achieve whilst in office, not only in the fundraising stakes, but also for the city of Liverpool as a whole.

The Whitechapel Centre send a huge THANK YOU to our new Lord Mayor!!

To find out more about the services that we provide, and the work that we carry out, please go to our website at: