Tuesday 4 June 2013

Whitechapel Support Worker Helps Family to a Better Life.

Whitechapel support worker, Peter, started working with a young mother of six children in January 2012.

The lady in question was herself a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her ex-partner, and as such had to move from the address she was living at with her family.

Life was not easy after everything that she had experienced, meaning that she often turned to alcohol or drugs in order to take away the emotional and physical pain.

This in turn put her tennancy and her children's well being at risk, meaning more home moves and the involvement of social services.

All was not however lost, and with Peter's help and support she turned her life around, starting with attending Addaction.

After time she was then able to show that she could provide a better, more stable, home life for her children.

The family have all just moved into a new home that can accomodate them all, from toddlers to teenagers, and they are thrilled with it.

Through out this difficult time Peter has been the one constant by her side seeing her through this period and out the other side.

Peter has said that she is now "Unrecognisable, her confidence has increased so much she is like a new woman!".

Support Worker Peter
 At The Whitechapel Centre we help many people with many different circumstances, this is just one great example of how supporting one person has helped improve the life of six others.

To find out more about the work that we carry out here at The Whitechapel Centre please go to our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk