Tuesday 18 September 2012

Crisis Classes at The Whitechapel Centre

From Tuesday, 18th September Crisis will be back and running sessions at the Enablement  Centre. 

These sessions are for you if you are:
· Rough sleeping/supported by Outreach
· Have just moved into a hostel/tenancy
· Referred by your hostel keyworker because you are at risk of rough sleeping
· Fit the engagement session criteria
· Are staying in a hostel or have housing needs including being in receipt of floating support

The morning sessions run 10am-12.00pm and the afternoon sessions are from 12.30pm-2.30pm.

All the classes that they run are flexible and will be tailored to suit individual needs, whether you want to improve your spelling, or your reading and writing skills.

Each Tuesday morning they will have ESOL Assessments (English Speaking for Other Langauages) and in the afternoon  there’s Creative Writing.

On a Wednesday morning the actual sessions to improve your English will take place at their Literacy session. Learn to Play Guitar is still in its usual spot on a Wednesday afternoon.

Thursday mornings there will be IT sessions, and lastly Art & Craft with Crisis will take place on Friday mornings

Who knows, at the end of your sessions you could be writing articles for the Homeless Football Club magazine, or even the Whitechapel blog!

If you are interested in taking part please just turn up on the day, or alternatiovely if you would like mroe information please call our Enablement Centre on 0151 207 8617.

Our monthly activities are always on view via our facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/whitechapelcentre

For more information about the servicves that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre please go to our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk