Wednesday 19 September 2012

An Autumn Encounter raises money for The Whitechapel

Next Friday evening, 21st September there will be an evening of music and fundraising for The Whitechapel Centre at Gourmet Coffee, Exchange Flags, Liverpool, L2 3YL.

The evening, going by the name of 'An Autumn Encounter' will be run by Parr Street's Steve MacFarlane, Billy Hui and The Parr Street Ensemble. The proceedings will begin at 19.30 and will go on until 22.00.

The evening's entertainment will feature Peter Grant, Cathy Roberts and Gary Millar plus various special guests.

For those who attend you will not not only be able to sample the wonderful coffee available to purchase, but also the music and poetry that will be on offer throughout the night.

There will also be a raffle taking place - with some amazing prizes on offer - all the proceeds going directly towards helping those who are homeless, or at risk of being homeless throughout Merseyside.

There is no set ticket price to enter but guests are invited to make a donation on the night. 

Hope to see you there on Friday!!

For more information the the services that are provided by the Whitechapel Centre, or to report someone homeless please go to our website at: or contact us on 0151 207 8617.