Wednesday 5 September 2012

The Whitechapel Centre enter The Homeless Games 2012

This year's Homeless Games starts tomorrow, the Thursday 6th September at Wavertree Sports Park, Wellington Road, Liverpool 15, and lasts for two days.

The aim of The Homeless Games is to provide an arena for anyone who is over 18, and has experienced homelessness in the last two years, to take part in various different sports and activities, with help, support and guidance.

The various events that are available for people to participate in range from football, swimming and cycling, to chess, darts and pool. For those who would like to, they can even take part in a tiddly winks tournament!

This year The Whitechapel Centre have 14 representatives taking part in various different events, including track and field, football, swimming, basketball, and some people are waiting to decide on the day.

The games are mostly run by volunteers within the homeless and sporting communities, and three clients from The Whitechapel will be helping out with admin, hospitality, catering and stewarding.

Last year we managed to come back with a gold, silver and bronze medal, so this year's aim to beat that medal tally!

The Homeless Games Medals from 2011
 For those who aren't interested in, or able to take part in any of the available events there are also drama, art and craft, and creative writing workshops.

There will be carnival entertainment, and multi-cultural food there for those who attend to see, feel and be a part of the two day event.

For anyone who is still interested in taking part in this year's games on behalf of The Whitechapel Centre, or for more information on what is happening, please contact our Enablement Centre on 0151 207 8617.

For information on the games themselves and what they entail you can send an email to -

Good luck to The Whitechapel team, and all those taking part on the day!