Thursday 27 September 2012

Homeless Games 2012 - The Whitechapel's Day!

The mini bus left The Whitechapel's Enablement Centre at 8.30am on the Thursday morning, filled with an excited group of people ready to take part in the day's events.

The sun was shining over the two day games, literally, making the whole experience even more enjoyable for all those involved.

Whitechapel representatives took part in many of the days events, which included tabel tennis, pool, football, art, darts, cookery, along with many others.


Whitechapel Football Team

David Lees plays pool

 The events took place both indoors and outdoors throughout the two day games.

Many local representatives were there, including the fire brigade who provided an extra special experience for people to take part in. They had set up a bike for people to cycle on, which in turn would create their own personal fruit smoothie. A double whammy healthy living experience!!

The nice weather also meant that all the art experiences could take place outdoors, so people could paint amd draw whilst enjoying the rare sushine.

The day was a huge success for all concerned, and even though we didnt win any medals this year all those who took part should consider themselves a winner.

For more information on the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre, or to report a person homeless please go to: or call us on 0151 207 8617.

Thursday 20 September 2012

The Whitechapel Centre opens its first Supported Housing scheme in partnership with Shap

The Whitechapel Centre is very pleased to be working jointly with Shap to provide a supportive environment to homeless families at the newly re-opened Belvidere Family Centre. 

Belvidere Family Centre

This project brings together Whitechapel’s expertise in working with those that are homeless in Liverpool and Shap’s experience of successfully managing supported accommodation.

The Belvidere site has been rebuilt by LMH into an eco-friendly family centre that has cost over £3.5million.  The new centre is a flag ship for Liverpool’s services for homeless families, and will provide 16 self-contained flats and offers the latest design in under floor heating; eco water filtration system; solar panels and a sedum roof. 

Inside the newly re-furbished Family Centre

The high quality building represents a commitment to foster a sense of dignity and respect for homeless families that The Whitechapel Centre/Shap continues in its approach to supporting families.

The first families moved in on 10th August and have engaged well with staff at the service who will support them for the duration of their short stay until alternative accommodation is found.

Families are encouraged to take part in activities both on site and within the local community and a group of teenage resident children organised themselves a successful fun day last week which everyone enjoyed.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

An Autumn Encounter raises money for The Whitechapel

Next Friday evening, 21st September there will be an evening of music and fundraising for The Whitechapel Centre at Gourmet Coffee, Exchange Flags, Liverpool, L2 3YL.

The evening, going by the name of 'An Autumn Encounter' will be run by Parr Street's Steve MacFarlane, Billy Hui and The Parr Street Ensemble. The proceedings will begin at 19.30 and will go on until 22.00.

The evening's entertainment will feature Peter Grant, Cathy Roberts and Gary Millar plus various special guests.

For those who attend you will not not only be able to sample the wonderful coffee available to purchase, but also the music and poetry that will be on offer throughout the night.

There will also be a raffle taking place - with some amazing prizes on offer - all the proceeds going directly towards helping those who are homeless, or at risk of being homeless throughout Merseyside.

There is no set ticket price to enter but guests are invited to make a donation on the night. 

Hope to see you there on Friday!!

For more information the the services that are provided by the Whitechapel Centre, or to report someone homeless please go to our website at: or contact us on 0151 207 8617.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Crisis Classes at The Whitechapel Centre

From Tuesday, 18th September Crisis will be back and running sessions at the Enablement  Centre. 

These sessions are for you if you are:
· Rough sleeping/supported by Outreach
· Have just moved into a hostel/tenancy
· Referred by your hostel keyworker because you are at risk of rough sleeping
· Fit the engagement session criteria
· Are staying in a hostel or have housing needs including being in receipt of floating support

The morning sessions run 10am-12.00pm and the afternoon sessions are from 12.30pm-2.30pm.

All the classes that they run are flexible and will be tailored to suit individual needs, whether you want to improve your spelling, or your reading and writing skills.

Each Tuesday morning they will have ESOL Assessments (English Speaking for Other Langauages) and in the afternoon  there’s Creative Writing.

On a Wednesday morning the actual sessions to improve your English will take place at their Literacy session. Learn to Play Guitar is still in its usual spot on a Wednesday afternoon.

Thursday mornings there will be IT sessions, and lastly Art & Craft with Crisis will take place on Friday mornings

Who knows, at the end of your sessions you could be writing articles for the Homeless Football Club magazine, or even the Whitechapel blog!

If you are interested in taking part please just turn up on the day, or alternatiovely if you would like mroe information please call our Enablement Centre on 0151 207 8617.

Our monthly activities are always on view via our facebook page at:

For more information about the servicves that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre please go to our website at:

Wednesday 5 September 2012

The Whitechapel Centre enter The Homeless Games 2012

This year's Homeless Games starts tomorrow, the Thursday 6th September at Wavertree Sports Park, Wellington Road, Liverpool 15, and lasts for two days.

The aim of The Homeless Games is to provide an arena for anyone who is over 18, and has experienced homelessness in the last two years, to take part in various different sports and activities, with help, support and guidance.

The various events that are available for people to participate in range from football, swimming and cycling, to chess, darts and pool. For those who would like to, they can even take part in a tiddly winks tournament!

This year The Whitechapel Centre have 14 representatives taking part in various different events, including track and field, football, swimming, basketball, and some people are waiting to decide on the day.

The games are mostly run by volunteers within the homeless and sporting communities, and three clients from The Whitechapel will be helping out with admin, hospitality, catering and stewarding.

Last year we managed to come back with a gold, silver and bronze medal, so this year's aim to beat that medal tally!

The Homeless Games Medals from 2011
 For those who aren't interested in, or able to take part in any of the available events there are also drama, art and craft, and creative writing workshops.

There will be carnival entertainment, and multi-cultural food there for those who attend to see, feel and be a part of the two day event.

For anyone who is still interested in taking part in this year's games on behalf of The Whitechapel Centre, or for more information on what is happening, please contact our Enablement Centre on 0151 207 8617.

For information on the games themselves and what they entail you can send an email to -

Good luck to The Whitechapel team, and all those taking part on the day!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

The Whitechapel's Gardening Group visit to Tatton Park

On Thursday 19th July, Angela from The Whitechapel accompanied some members of the Whitechapel Centre's gardening group on a visit to Tatton Park, in Knutsford, Cheshire. The trip was paid for by Bosco House, some of whom also attended the event.

At that time Tatton Park was host to the RHS Flower Show, so those who went had the opportunity to see various different types of gardens, all designed by new and established desingers alike.

Whitechapel service user Stephen Jackson enjoying his day out at Tatton Park.

There was the Great Taste Market available to look around, and a garden shop with many different types of gardening products there to see and buy.

Every one  that went had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the different flower displays and tasting the various samples of foods. 

Luckily the rain stayed away all day, not making an appearance until the group were returning to Liverpool.

To top off the whole day the group even got to see Monty Don, himself an inspiration through all the work he has done to encourage those who have lost their way in society to rejuvinate their lives.  

For more information on the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre, or to see future activities that are taking place please go to our website at or cal us on 0151 207 8617.