Thursday 1 August 2013

Kate's big acheivement

Each month the Whitechapel Altogether group come together for a meeting led by Resettlement Manager Clair.

The group is open for all current or past service users to take part in as a way of having their say about the services that we provide.

The group discusses any changes that are being made to our services, and their input is essential to the running of our organisation.

It is a Service User Involvement Group, as we recognised that users of our services have much to offer in terms of perspective and experience.

Recently one of our greatest supporters, Kate received an award for her attendance and commitment to the group, and was award a certificate and gift to show our gratitude for all her hard work.

Clair presenting Kate with her certificate

Kate herself has more good news to share, and that is her engagement to fellow group member Joe, finally we have a Whitechapel wedding on the way!! 

To find out more about the Whitechapel Altogether Group, and service user involvement please visit our website at: