Thursday 18 July 2013

Jane's Story......

Jane was living with her husband and two teenage children in a house they had bought 17 years ago. She had suffered with depression and anxiety for a number of years but tried to get on with things as best she could. 

In 2012 the struggle became too much, and her relationship with her husband was put under a huge strain, and Jane started abusing alcohol. 

Although she had help from her family and her GP, Jane still struggled day to day and would binge drink in an attempt to ease her low mood. This put added pressure on her already fragile relationship at home with her husband and at the end of 2012, she went to stay with her parents. 

This was only for the short term though, as her parents were not in good health. It presented a real risk of Jane rough sleeping and in turn, affecting her mental health even more.

For someone who only 6 months earlier was living in their own home, she was now faced with a real risk of homelessness.

Luckily for Jane one of her friends had noticed the potential risks for Jane and made a referral to The Whitechapel Centre’s floating support Dual Diagnosis team. Jane was allocated a support worker who worked with her, and her family to set up a plan to support and resettle Jane whilst she was in this difficult period of her life.

In April 2013, Jane moved into a new tenancy with the help of her support worker and she has settled in well to a two bedroom house.

This means that she can have her children over to stay with her when they want and gives her an opportunity to work with her support worker to improve her anxiety and depression. 

Jane hasn’t drank any alcohol for four months now and she is linked in with a support group which she really enjoys going to. Jane is working towards going back to work in the long term and spending a lot of quality time with her family.

We wish Jane and her family all the best for her future and will continue to work on the goals that were set up when we began to support her.

Jane's story

I turned up at The Whitechapel Centre on a cold November day. I was terrified – a friend had contacted them on my behalf after witnessing first hand domestic abuse and my drinking was no longer social, but necessary.

I slept out rough several nights to avoid things. But going into The Whitechapel Centre, I needn’t have worried – I was met with only warmth, kindness, understanding and reassurance that they would support, help and never judge me. I left there feeling a huge sense of relief.

The support worker I met that day was Kenny Lawler. He has never let me down since that day – as well as all the things we agreed to work on, he has truly gone that extra mile – over & beyond.

I moved into my parents for several months, but was still at risk of rough sleeping.  He understood my situation. Kenny had taken time to talk with my parents and build a good bond. He pushed the boat out again and supported me with advice, filling in forms and contacting people on my behalf in order to re-home me.
 I moved into my new home on 15th April this year.

Kenny helped me organise things around this as my confidence was so low at that time.

I am now independent and so happy. I am rebuilding my life slowly but surely – seeing my children, hoping to return to work – all down to the support and tremendous work of The Whitechapel Centre and their amazing staff. I will be forever grateful.

To find out more about the work that our Dual Diagnosis team carries out, and more about The Whitechapel Centre, please visit our website at: