Tuesday 9 July 2013

Whitechapel's Pre-volunteers Walk a Tour of The City

Whitechapel's new intake of pre-volunteers, along with resident tutor Carole Benn, spent a fascinating afternoon with local historian Angela Wylie.

They spent the afternoon exploring street culture around the centre of Liverpool, starting in St John's Gardens, just behind St Georges Hall.

The group learnt all about the philanthropic works of William Rathbone who was based in Liverpool. The whole area had an abundance of wonderful sculpture relating to the city.

The group then moved to see the famous Eleanor Rigby monument, based on the famous song by The Beatles, sitting all alone in Stanley Street, that was until they arrived!

Gary and Anglea with Eleanor Rigby
After this they then sampled the delights of Matthew Street, and found a certain Mr John Lennon leaning nonchalantly in the corner, along with some of Arthur Dooley's works, one entitled 'Four lads Who Shook the World'.

Next to these is the amazing brick wall which details the many rock and pop groups, and singers, that have made Liverpool famous.
It was great afternoon thanks to Angela who had so much knowledge and information to impart. The group were amazed at the amount of history that could be learnt  simply by walking through the city. Gary said "It was fantastic"

To find our more about the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre, or to find out how you can volunteer please go to our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk