Thursday 11 July 2013

The Pre-volunteer's Graduation Day

After 12 weeks of training seven members of our latest pre-volunteer team have graduated!!

(l-r) Gary, Mervyn, Angela, Zola, Christian

The training program they have followed has been extremely varied, combining practical skills training, with days out around the city, and even arts and craft sessions.

Examples of these are: Working as a Team, Health and Safety, Dealing with Difficult Situations and making mosaics.

These sessions are aimed at helping people to have the confidence to make a positive change to their lives, whilst providing them with the basic skills to do so.

The newly graduated group enjoying a celebration of their achievements.

Many of the sessions have featured previously in The Whitechapel blog, showing how the course has been enjoyable and fun for those taking part, as well as practical and informative.

Of the seven that graduated three have moved straight on the the full volunteer course, a brilliant achievement for all those involved.

Both our volunteer and pre-volunteer programs are hugely successful, helping people to move on to the next stage in their lives and to enable them to help their community.

To find out more about our volunteer program, or about our Enablement Centre and the work that we do, please go to our website at