Tuesday 26 March 2013

Whitechapel Staff Study for Success

In January 2012 nine members of the Whitechapel staff team volunteered to undertake a pilot training program. 

The course of study was the CIH Level 3 Certificate in Housing Practice which is a professional qualification for people who work in a front line capacity (ie. are already doing the job).

It is a vocational qualification and is comparable in level to an A-level or an NVQ Level 3 and explores all aspects of housing.

They were given day release from work but expected to put in the extra hours themselves in order to complete a wide range of mandatory and optional units.

These varied greatly from ‘Support for Independent Living’ and ‘Homelessness Services and Prevention’ to ‘Equality and Diversity for Housing’. 

All  modules were assessed by an external verifier, and the final qualifiaction was awarded by the Chartered Institute of Housing. 

All of those who started the course not only finished it, but did so with flying colours, each person achieving the Level 3 CIH qualification.

The staff who took part were:

Maureen Doyle, Mike Oak, Paul Black, Andy Glover, Ruby Navarro, Angela McKay, Keith Mullineux, Carol Barton and Delphine Slocombe.

This group is a mix of both managers and support work staff from different areas of the organisation, and full and part time members of staff, so a real mix!

(from L-R) Carol, Mike, Maureen, Andy, Delphine

Mike said: "It was interesting to study the history of British housing  policy and put this in a political, social and economic context. This enabled me to understand how housing-related support developed over time and clarifies the role our organisation has to play in this area.” 

About her new qualification Del said: "I have my certificate framed on my desk, slog isn’t the word I never thought it would end! However after all the hard work I put into my NVQ and CIH qualifiacions it has now put me in the learning mode and I am now enrolled with Harvard which I started last Monday!"

Maureen also said that finding the time was the toughest part : "I really dont know how I found the time I had to work every weekend, but when I acheived my certificate at the end it all felt worth it!”

Ruby was simply thrilled: "I am very proud of my CIH Certificate he he!"

(from L-R) Keith, Ruby, Paul
It was a huge achievement for all of those involved, juggling work and studying for an A level standard qualifaction, all within 12 months!!

All of us here at The Whitechapel Centre are very proud of what they have acheived, but not as proud as they are themselves, WELL DONE TO YOU ALL!!!!!

To find out more about the work that we do at The Whitechapel Centre and therefore how the new qualifications achieved will boost the services that we provide, please go to our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk.