Wednesday 20 March 2013

Whitechapel attend The Liverpool Alcohol Conference

On Tuesday 19th March a team from The Whitechapel Centre attended the Liverpool Alcohol Conference at The Lace Centre, the main subject being addressed was reducing the harm caused by alcohol.

There were various guest speakers throughout the day, including Joe Anderson, the Mayor of Liverpool, who gave a very touching speech on his own childhood experiences.

Also Dr Paul Richardson, Consultant Hepatologist from Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital and Dr Steve Hood, Consultant Gastroenterologist from University Hospital Aintree spoke of the detrimental health effects caused as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.

Val Andrews and Karen Thomas from Health Development Consultancy, spoke of their work improving alcohol awareness with Liverpool PCT.

Finally Dr Shamin Rose, Executive Sponsor for alcohol for Liverpool CCG and Labour Councillor Roy Gladden spoke of their work and experiences.

Whitechapel had their own table there to provide others attending with information about the work that we do within the city and the services we provide.
Whitechapel staff Adrienne, Margi, George, Peter and Kevin
Lots of interesting facts and figures were given out on the alcohol services within Liverpool, and all who attended were encouraged to "keep up the good work!".

The staff that attended found the event extremely interesting and informative, and particularly enjoyed the personal experiences that some of the speakers talked of.

For more information on the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre please go to our website at: