Tuesday 26 March 2013

Whitechapel Staff Study for Success

In January 2012 nine members of the Whitechapel staff team volunteered to undertake a pilot training program. 

The course of study was the CIH Level 3 Certificate in Housing Practice which is a professional qualification for people who work in a front line capacity (ie. are already doing the job).

It is a vocational qualification and is comparable in level to an A-level or an NVQ Level 3 and explores all aspects of housing.

They were given day release from work but expected to put in the extra hours themselves in order to complete a wide range of mandatory and optional units.

These varied greatly from ‘Support for Independent Living’ and ‘Homelessness Services and Prevention’ to ‘Equality and Diversity for Housing’. 

All  modules were assessed by an external verifier, and the final qualifiaction was awarded by the Chartered Institute of Housing. 

All of those who started the course not only finished it, but did so with flying colours, each person achieving the Level 3 CIH qualification.

The staff who took part were:

Maureen Doyle, Mike Oak, Paul Black, Andy Glover, Ruby Navarro, Angela McKay, Keith Mullineux, Carol Barton and Delphine Slocombe.

This group is a mix of both managers and support work staff from different areas of the organisation, and full and part time members of staff, so a real mix!

(from L-R) Carol, Mike, Maureen, Andy, Delphine

Mike said: "It was interesting to study the history of British housing  policy and put this in a political, social and economic context. This enabled me to understand how housing-related support developed over time and clarifies the role our organisation has to play in this area.” 

About her new qualification Del said: "I have my certificate framed on my desk, slog isn’t the word I never thought it would end! However after all the hard work I put into my NVQ and CIH qualifiacions it has now put me in the learning mode and I am now enrolled with Harvard which I started last Monday!"

Maureen also said that finding the time was the toughest part : "I really dont know how I found the time I had to work every weekend, but when I acheived my certificate at the end it all felt worth it!”

Ruby was simply thrilled: "I am very proud of my CIH Certificate he he!"

(from L-R) Keith, Ruby, Paul
It was a huge achievement for all of those involved, juggling work and studying for an A level standard qualifaction, all within 12 months!!

All of us here at The Whitechapel Centre are very proud of what they have acheived, but not as proud as they are themselves, WELL DONE TO YOU ALL!!!!!

To find out more about the work that we do at The Whitechapel Centre and therefore how the new qualifications achieved will boost the services that we provide, please go to our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk.


Wednesday 20 March 2013

Whitechapel attend The Liverpool Alcohol Conference

On Tuesday 19th March a team from The Whitechapel Centre attended the Liverpool Alcohol Conference at The Lace Centre, the main subject being addressed was reducing the harm caused by alcohol.

There were various guest speakers throughout the day, including Joe Anderson, the Mayor of Liverpool, who gave a very touching speech on his own childhood experiences.

Also Dr Paul Richardson, Consultant Hepatologist from Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital and Dr Steve Hood, Consultant Gastroenterologist from University Hospital Aintree spoke of the detrimental health effects caused as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.

Val Andrews and Karen Thomas from Health Development Consultancy, spoke of their work improving alcohol awareness with Liverpool PCT.

Finally Dr Shamin Rose, Executive Sponsor for alcohol for Liverpool CCG and Labour Councillor Roy Gladden spoke of their work and experiences.

Whitechapel had their own table there to provide others attending with information about the work that we do within the city and the services we provide.
Whitechapel staff Adrienne, Margi, George, Peter and Kevin
Lots of interesting facts and figures were given out on the alcohol services within Liverpool, and all who attended were encouraged to "keep up the good work!".

The staff that attended found the event extremely interesting and informative, and particularly enjoyed the personal experiences that some of the speakers talked of.

For more information on the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre please go to our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk

Thursday 14 March 2013

Whitechapel's Trip to the Black-E

Whitechapel worker Carole is continuing with her group visits to landmark buildings in Liverpool.

Carole took the group to the Black-E (formerly the Blackie) a combined community and contemporary arts centre.

The Black-E

 This exciting building was originally a 19th century Congregational Church once known as Liverpool's third cathedral.

View of the Chinese Archway from the Black-E

Now this great space houses a gallery, theatre and provides a marvellous space for sporting and arts events.

Our group managed to find a snooker table begging for someone to have a go, and everyone there had a turn!

Michael, Will and John being shown round the Black-E

The general consensus was that this is another of Liverpool's great architectural buildings, the group thought the Black-E was truly amazing.

For more information on the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre please go to our website at http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Cold Weather Shelter 2013

The Cold Weather Shelter will be open this evening, Wednesday 13th March for just one evening, as after this temperatures are due to rise. 
The shelter is based at St Stephen’s with St Catherine’s Church, Crown St, Liverpool, L8.
For more information, including a map of how to get there and to find out who is eligible to attend, please click on the link below:

If you see someone you think is rough sleeping please contact the No2NO reporting line on 0300 123 2041.

This number is to be used only to report a rough sleeper; if you have any other issues please either:

Call us on: 0151 207 7617 or email at: info@whitechapelcentre.co.uk

Wednesday 6 March 2013

The Whitechapel Centre - Supporting people to achieve a better quality of life.

Support worker Sarah, a member of our Dual Diagnosis team, is currently working with someone who suffers from mental health problems, along with the painful condition osteoarthritis.

She* was living in a privately rented flat which had not been adapted to meet the needs of her disability, which in turn meant she had to rely on the constant support of her husband to use the bathroom facilities.

She also relied on him simply to get to, and move around the flat, as there are stairs needed to access the flat and also internal stairs. 

To add to their woes the couple where also experiencing a lot of anti-social behaviour from their neighbours which was having a detrimental effect on our client's existing mental health problems. 

She has been suffering from osteoarthritis for 14 years, and yet has never lived in an adapted property meaning the quality of her life has been poor for all this time. 

Sarah supported her to register on the adapted homes waiting list, with the result that both her and her husband have just moved into an adapted flat - helping to relieve the issues with both her physical and mental health. 

Living in an adapted flat has changed her life, affording her the ability to live more independently, and being away from troublesome neighbours has provided a more peaceful existence.

A smiling face says it all...

When Sarah asked if she was happy with her change of circumstances she was told “Moving into the flat has improved my life by 1000%!  It has given me peace of mind.” 

To find out more about the work that the housing support teams carry out please go to our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk/resettlement--housing-support.html

*The lady in question has asked us not to use her name for the purposes of this blog.