Thursday 27 December 2012

Happy Christmas from all at The Whitechapel Centre!!

Christmas day at The Whitechapel Centre was extremely popular this year, with over 40 people coming to join the festivities.

The day started at 7.30am when our resident Christmas Day caterer, Khadi, came and made a start on breakfast.

Joe, Khadi and Jo working hard in the kitchen.

Those who were there early were treated to a full breakfast in preparation for the dinner that lay ahead.

Whilst this was going on, senior manager Julie was being interviewed by BBC Breakfast news in regards to the plight of the homeless, it was a very busy morning!

Volunteers had been in on Christmas Eve to help with peeling and chopping, all that was needed was Khadi's magic touch in the kitchen to pull it all together.

Dinner was piled, very strategically of course, on to plates including a beautiful roast pork that had been donated by Kate and Tony Chinn.

Clair, Khadi and Adrienne ensuring everyone gets their fair share of sprouts!
Dinner was served by staff with great speed, and strict precision, thanks to manager Clair's super organisational skills.

The Enablement Centre was full and a very happy place to be on Christmas Day.

The meal was rounded off with a bit of karaoke and a very popular game of bingo, with prizes.

Everyone who attended received a Christmas gift which included many of the donations that people had given before the day commenced.
The whole day was a huge success, and all the staff that were there, despite having to work extremely hard, thoroughly enjoyed themselves, I'm told it was a very special day.

This year has been amazing for us all here at The Whitechapel Centre, the generosity of time, money and gifts that people have given has been overwhelming.

To show their appreciation for all that has been achieved this year The Whitechapel Centre's board of trustees wanted to send a personal message via their chair, Terry Crolley:

"On behalf of my fellow Trustees I should be grateful if you would convey our appreciation to all staff, volunteers and visitors who have contributed so much to the welfare of service users at this time. We also wish everybody a very happy new year and best wishes for 2013."

On that positive note it is only left for me to say:

Have a very Happy Christmas, and a wonderful New Year!!!

Happy Christmas from all at The Whitechapel Centre!!

For more information on the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre please go to our website at:

The Day that Everton's Naismith came to Dinner (or paid for and served it!) at The Whitechapel Centre

It has been a very busy week at The Whitechapel's Enablement Centre in Everton, we were on the Telly!!

In fact, we were on the TV (the news primarily) and in various papers, including the city's own Liverpool Echo.

Firstly Channel 4 news popped in and interviewed some of our regular attendees, staff, volunteers, even our fabulous CEO, David Carter.

Following that, and perhaps a little more exciting for those who use our services, Everton striker Steven Naismith held a press conference in our Enablement Centre!!

The Press Conference!!

Lots of press were there to see Steven serving dinner to Joe and John, regular attenders of our daily enablement sessions.

Steven serving Joe and John their dinner, nice to be waited on!

The day was a huge success, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all, even those who claimed to be camera shy to begin with!
All the staff loved the experience, even if it wasn't a little bit fraught at times, particularly for rainy day in Liverpool, always a busy time for us.

MOVE manager Pauline managed to get a photo with Steven as her sons are both devout Evertonians!

Pauline and Steven.

We would like to send a big thank you to all who helped to organised the day, and especially to those who aid us in showing the great work that The Whitechapel carry out.

For more information on the services that we provide in Merseyside, or if you would like to make a donation, please go to our website at:

Thursday 20 December 2012

Asda make Whitechapel's Christmas Dinner (round 1!)

Regular supporter of The Whitechapel Centre Lorraine, from Asda on Utting Avenue, came in this week to donate, prepare, and serve Christmas dinner.

Lorraine is very well accustomed to the kitchen at our Enablement Centre as the store she works in regularly donates breakfast to be cooked and given to those who use our services.

Christmas dinner was however a much bigger task, so Lorraine brought her good friend Gail with her as chief cook and bottle washer!

No Christmas dinner escapes the 'dreaded' sprouts!

Whilst the ladies worked hard in the the kitchen, their expectant diners built up their appetites by themselves working hard on Christmas decorations.

Making decorations, cards and calendars

Dinner was soon ready, and Lorraine began to serve the waiting crowds with their nutritious, hot meal to celebrate the forthcoming festivities.

Dinner is served!!
 The meal was, as predicted a resounding success, and all that took part were very grateful to Lorraine for all her hard work, and made a card to show their appreciation.

Thank you Lorraine and all at Asda, Utting Avenue!!

For more information on The Whitechapel Centre, and the work that we do, please go to our website at:

Thursday 13 December 2012

Whitechapel's Enablement Centre gets ready for Christmas!

Christmas time is a very busy time for all at our Enablement Centre in Langsdale Street, and this year has been no exception!

Demand for all of our services is increased at this time of year, with the weather turning colder and nights drawing in earlier.

Despite this though there is always time for some Christmas cheer, and one of our hard working support workers, Ruby, always finds time to put the Christmas tree up, with a little help from her friends!

Most of us enjoy putting our tree up at the beginning of this festive season, but there are those who cant afford the luxury, or don't have a home to put it in.

It is not only the cold weather and dark nights that can cause people difficulties at  this time of year, it can prove as a harsh reminder to some, of the people, and the things that they wish were in their lives.

For those who are already vulnerable it can be a time where their physical and mental health is put at risk.

Bearing that in mind, Ruby's aim is to bring some happiness and community to those who attend our Enablement Centre, to show that they not only have a tree to look at and decorate, but many friends to share that feeling with.

Ruby's 'Little Helpers' David, Joseph, Wayne and Aron

For more information about the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre or to find out about our Cold Weather Shelter please go to:

Thursday 6 December 2012

Everton's Naismith signs up to helping The Whitechapel Centre

Everton player Steven Naismith has chosen to support the homeless of Liverpool by paying for, and hosting a Christmas lunch at our Enablement Centre in Everton.

The Everton striker currently supports a homeless charity in Glasgow, and felt that he wanted to do something similar in the city that he now calls home.

Steven Naismith playing for Everton FC
We couldn't be happier that Steven has chosen The Whitechapel Centre to host his meal for the homeless of our city, and those who use our services feel exactly the same!

For us it is wonderful that someone with such standing within the community has recognised the need to support those less privileged than themselves, whilst at the same time bringing recognition to the work that we do.

It will be a very exciting day for all those involved, and more importantly will provide a warm and fulfilling meal for the homeless and hungry of Liverpool.

For more information on the work that we do at The Whitechapel Centre, or to make a donation, please go to our website at: