Thursday 27 December 2012

Happy Christmas from all at The Whitechapel Centre!!

Christmas day at The Whitechapel Centre was extremely popular this year, with over 40 people coming to join the festivities.

The day started at 7.30am when our resident Christmas Day caterer, Khadi, came and made a start on breakfast.

Joe, Khadi and Jo working hard in the kitchen.

Those who were there early were treated to a full breakfast in preparation for the dinner that lay ahead.

Whilst this was going on, senior manager Julie was being interviewed by BBC Breakfast news in regards to the plight of the homeless, it was a very busy morning!

Volunteers had been in on Christmas Eve to help with peeling and chopping, all that was needed was Khadi's magic touch in the kitchen to pull it all together.

Dinner was piled, very strategically of course, on to plates including a beautiful roast pork that had been donated by Kate and Tony Chinn.

Clair, Khadi and Adrienne ensuring everyone gets their fair share of sprouts!
Dinner was served by staff with great speed, and strict precision, thanks to manager Clair's super organisational skills.

The Enablement Centre was full and a very happy place to be on Christmas Day.

The meal was rounded off with a bit of karaoke and a very popular game of bingo, with prizes.

Everyone who attended received a Christmas gift which included many of the donations that people had given before the day commenced.
The whole day was a huge success, and all the staff that were there, despite having to work extremely hard, thoroughly enjoyed themselves, I'm told it was a very special day.

This year has been amazing for us all here at The Whitechapel Centre, the generosity of time, money and gifts that people have given has been overwhelming.

To show their appreciation for all that has been achieved this year The Whitechapel Centre's board of trustees wanted to send a personal message via their chair, Terry Crolley:

"On behalf of my fellow Trustees I should be grateful if you would convey our appreciation to all staff, volunteers and visitors who have contributed so much to the welfare of service users at this time. We also wish everybody a very happy new year and best wishes for 2013."

On that positive note it is only left for me to say:

Have a very Happy Christmas, and a wonderful New Year!!!

Happy Christmas from all at The Whitechapel Centre!!

For more information on the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre please go to our website at: