Thursday 13 December 2012

Whitechapel's Enablement Centre gets ready for Christmas!

Christmas time is a very busy time for all at our Enablement Centre in Langsdale Street, and this year has been no exception!

Demand for all of our services is increased at this time of year, with the weather turning colder and nights drawing in earlier.

Despite this though there is always time for some Christmas cheer, and one of our hard working support workers, Ruby, always finds time to put the Christmas tree up, with a little help from her friends!

Most of us enjoy putting our tree up at the beginning of this festive season, but there are those who cant afford the luxury, or don't have a home to put it in.

It is not only the cold weather and dark nights that can cause people difficulties at  this time of year, it can prove as a harsh reminder to some, of the people, and the things that they wish were in their lives.

For those who are already vulnerable it can be a time where their physical and mental health is put at risk.

Bearing that in mind, Ruby's aim is to bring some happiness and community to those who attend our Enablement Centre, to show that they not only have a tree to look at and decorate, but many friends to share that feeling with.

Ruby's 'Little Helpers' David, Joseph, Wayne and Aron

For more information about the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre or to find out about our Cold Weather Shelter please go to: