Tuesday 20 November 2012

Whitechapel Support to Abstinence Success

Recently at The Whitechapel centre we have another example of a success story through the hard work of our staff and clients.

Sharon, a member of our Harm Reduction team was dealing with a lady who was suffering from an alcohol addiction.

Sharon representing The Whitechapel Centre at the recent Community Voice 'Our City, Our Services' open day. 

She was referred by her housing provider as there had been complaints from neighbours about anti-social behaviour related to her drinking, and her tenancy was at risk.

She has been drinking chaotically for 10 years this has had a negative effect on her health and well being.   

Since engaging with Whitechapel there have been no further incidents of anti-social behaviour and currently her tenancy is secure, but this wasn't the end of her story.

Sharon had encouraged her to attend the Recovery Awards, which was run by Community Voice, an enterprise that brings together people in Liverpool who use drug and alcohol services, with those who provide them.

Once there she engaged with Intuitive Recovery, who provide re-education for those with addictions, and has just completed a 4 day course with them working toward abstinence and recovery.

This is a great example of the work that The Whitechapel's Harm Reduction and Dual Diagnosis team do every day to help those who are sufferring with substance addictions.

This week The Whitechapel Centre are supprting Alcohol Awareness Week by holding various sessions at our Enablement Centre on Langsdale Street.

For more information on the daily activities which are taking place please go to our facebook page by clicking on: http://www.facebook.com/whitechapelcentre.

To find out more details about what is happening and when at our Enablement Centre please go to our monthly newsletter: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk/uploads/7/6/0/9/7609171/nov_2012.pdf

If you would like to know more about all of the work that is carried out by staff at The Whitechapel Centre, and in particular by Sharon's team please take a look at our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk.