Thursday 22 November 2012

A real life Rapunzel in Liverpool, saved by Whitechapel's very own Princess Charming

Whitechapel support worker, Adrienne had often been called to when visiting one of her clients, by a very friendly gentleman who was leaning over his balcony on the second floor of a block of flats.

Adrienne took it upon herself to go and speak to the man who was calling her, and see what his story was as she felt he was looking for something, or maybe someone, that his shouts were a cry for help.

He had been living in his 2nd floor property, up four flights of stairs, for 19 years, with no television, or more importantly a phone.

His health did not appear to be a in a good condition, his mobility was poor, and he was unable to stand unaided. All of this was then aggravated by him suffering from asthma.  

It also transpired that he had no heating since 2008, and only had one working electrical socket, which was in the kitchen, and was overloaded with adaptors. 

Through Adrienne the Whitechapel started to work with him on the 27th September, 2012.

A letter was sent to his housing provider reporting urgently needed repairs, which were completed within a week, and a new central heating system and electric fire, with a surround were fitted.  The electrics in the flat were fully re-wired.

After that a telephone call was made to Merseyside Fire Service, raising concerns about the safety aspect of the overloaded socket, and the ability of the gentlemen to exit building in emergency. 

They visited him the following day, and provided him with a fire retardant quilt, quilt cover, pillow, pillow case, throw and fire bucket.  They also gave him much needed fire safety advice.

The next step was a referral to Careline requesting an OT (occupational therapist) assessment,  the acknowledgement for which has been received this week.

An appointment was made and kept with his GP, who he hadn’t seen for a considerable time, and immediately investigations were begun into his health issues.

A further appointment was made with a benefits adviser, so that he might be able to claim DLA  to pay for travel to all his appointments in the future. 

On top of this Adrienne has completed a number of applications for him to be able to receive help towards household items, and eventually a much needed ground floor flat.

This gentleman had been living in deprivation for over four years, and the deterioration of his health and lack of telephone had meant that he relied solely on the kindness of strangers to get through his day.

This had meant that before the Whitechapel became involved he had been taken advantage of numerous times by unkind individuals who prey on the vulnerable.

It also meant that he was unable to report any issues with his housing as he had could not telephone, or travel to see someone.

His life has now been turned around, and all within the space of six weeks, thanks to the support he received from Adrienne, and the amazing cooperation between all the different agencies in Liverpool that we liaise with every day.

When asked about his thoughts on The Whitechapel Centre the gentleman said "You work really hard, and have been brilliant". Whilst holding Adrienne's hand, and through tear filled eyes he said "Now I can have some kind of life".

When I asked Adrienne what she thought about her work  she said "The great thing is we only started working with him on 27/09/2012.  What do I think?  I just love what this organisation can do!".

This is just one example of the work that is carried out by the members of The Whitechapel's support team every day, and the positive changes we can have on the lives of individuals.

The Whitechapel Enablement Centre

To find out more about the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre, and about the Harm Reduction and Dual Diagnosis team that Adrienne works on, please go to:

If you would like to contact us by telephone to report someone that you think may need our help please call on 0151 207 7617.

Since I first started writing this story there has been even more progress made. The gentleman has been nominated for a ground floor tenancy within his tower block meaning he will remain in a familiar area with familiar people.

His DLA claim was also accepted and backdated, so he will be able to furnish his new home, and finally have a comfortable place to live, and should be there before Christmas.