Wednesday 22 August 2012

Whitechapel awarded The Workplace Wellbeing Charter

We are very proud to say The Whitechapel Centre has been awarded The Workplace Wellbeing Charter. 
The Charter is an initiative developed by Liverpool Primary Care NHS Trust which has now been awarded to over 300 businesses and other organisations across Liverpool.

The Charter awards organisations which can demonstrate that they think about the health and general wellbeing of their staff and that they promote a healthy working environment 

In addition to improving health in the workplace, the Charter also acknowledges The Whitechapel Centre’s commitment to best practice in health, safety and  wellbeing which improves our reputation and helps with business development and tendering activity.

Judith and David recieving the award.

This is a huge achievement for us, and was only attained through alot of hard work and organisation.

Hopefully it will also help to encourage all those who use our services to follow the same practices in their everyday lives.

Already we have organised bike rides every week at our Enablement Centre, we have a homeless football team, and any food that we provide has healthy living promoted within it.

For more information on the services that we provide please go to our website at:

To report a person homeless please go to our website, or alternatively call us on 0151 2078617.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Our City, Our Services - The Whitechapel Centre table

On Wednesday 18th July The Whitechapel Centre attended the annual “Our City, Our Services Event” at The Quaker Meeting house, 22 School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BT.

The event was a huge success, with many people attending.

Whitechapel's Sharon 'staffing' our table at the event.

Our table received alot of attention, with the volunteer forms getting an unprecedented amount of interest from those who visisted us.

Looks like Pauline and our MOVE project have got a very busy time ahead!

The event ended with local radio DJ Roger Philips releasing balloons with peoples personal messages written on them about how they have dealt with their on recovery and journey.

For more information on the services that we provide, or to report a homeless person, please go to our website at

The Whitechapel Centre goes live on Facebook and Twitter (at last!)

On Friday, 13th July (not unlucky for us) The Whitechapel Centre went live on both Facebook and Twitter, bringing us in line with many other businesses, charities, and indviduals throughout the city, the country and the world.

Our recently appointed Fundraising Manager, Ruth, has championed the idea as a way for The Whitechapel to increase it's profile, and show as many people as possible the great work that we do.

This is a very exciting step forward for us as an organisation, and for all the individuals, both staff and service users, whose achievements we are priveledged enough to share.

If you are interested in finding out more about the work that we do, following our progress and seeing our regular news up dates, please click on the links below.

To join us on Facebook please click on the following link:

To follow us on Twitter please click on the following link:

Following the starting success of our new set up we already have a new addition to our social media team, and that is our Google+ account, providing yet another link for people to access our news stories.

To follow us on Google+ please click on:

As always, to find out more about the services that we provide, or to report a person homeless, please go to our webiste at or call us on 0151 207 7617..

Shaun's trials for England - the update - Whitechapel FC captain attends trials

Shaun is a life long Everton supporter, and had never had the opportunity to go to the Manchester United football stadium before, and what an amazing experience he had.

It started at 9am with a tour of Old Trafford, along with 37 other men who had also come for the trials.  

At 12 noon they were all then taken to the Cliff MUFC youth training ground, given a light lunch, and a brand new MUFC football kit. This was followed by a series of bonding exercises,  as there were players from all over the North of England.

Shaun says: "I would like to say what an excellent time, and day I had. We were treated with the upmost respect and as a die hard  Everton fan and this experience has changed my view of Manchester United.  I can not wait  till I go again!"

Shaun has to go back for the next four Thursdays, though he has to miss next Thursday as he on training. He has been told that as he doing  NVQ Level 2 training the fact he has to miss one week wont go against him, so fingers crossed.

For more information on all of the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre please visit our website at