Tuesday 21 August 2012

The Whitechapel Centre goes live on Facebook and Twitter (at last!)

On Friday, 13th July (not unlucky for us) The Whitechapel Centre went live on both Facebook and Twitter, bringing us in line with many other businesses, charities, and indviduals throughout the city, the country and the world.

Our recently appointed Fundraising Manager, Ruth, has championed the idea as a way for The Whitechapel to increase it's profile, and show as many people as possible the great work that we do.

This is a very exciting step forward for us as an organisation, and for all the individuals, both staff and service users, whose achievements we are priveledged enough to share.

If you are interested in finding out more about the work that we do, following our progress and seeing our regular news up dates, please click on the links below.

To join us on Facebook please click on the following link: http://www.facebook.com/whitechapelcentre.

To follow us on Twitter please click on the following link: http://twitter.com/WhitechapelLiv

Following the starting success of our new set up we already have a new addition to our social media team, and that is our Google+ account, providing yet another link for people to access our news stories.

To follow us on Google+ please click on: https://plus.google.com/117671548755376277388?prsrc=3#117671548755376277388/posts

As always, to find out more about the services that we provide, or to report a person homeless, please go to our webiste at http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk/ or call us on 0151 207 7617..