Wednesday 22 August 2012

Whitechapel awarded The Workplace Wellbeing Charter

We are very proud to say The Whitechapel Centre has been awarded The Workplace Wellbeing Charter. 
The Charter is an initiative developed by Liverpool Primary Care NHS Trust which has now been awarded to over 300 businesses and other organisations across Liverpool.

The Charter awards organisations which can demonstrate that they think about the health and general wellbeing of their staff and that they promote a healthy working environment 

In addition to improving health in the workplace, the Charter also acknowledges The Whitechapel Centre’s commitment to best practice in health, safety and  wellbeing which improves our reputation and helps with business development and tendering activity.

Judith and David recieving the award.

This is a huge achievement for us, and was only attained through alot of hard work and organisation.

Hopefully it will also help to encourage all those who use our services to follow the same practices in their everyday lives.

Already we have organised bike rides every week at our Enablement Centre, we have a homeless football team, and any food that we provide has healthy living promoted within it.

For more information on the services that we provide please go to our website at:

To report a person homeless please go to our website, or alternatively call us on 0151 2078617.