Wednesday 13 November 2013

Liverpool John Moores Welcomes Newly Nominated Corporate Charities

Liverpool John Moores University recently welcomed its nominated corporate charities, marking the start of a new University initiative to support the essential activities of charities operating across Liverpool and its neighbouring boroughs.

Representatives from the four local charities; Macmillan Cancer Support, The Whitechapel Centre, Age Concern (Liverpool and Sefton) and DaDaFest were greeted by the Vice-Chancellor and other staff from across LJMU.

Representatives from the four charities and LJMU
The corporate charities initiative is an opportunity for the University to demonstrate that its vision of becoming a 'modern civic university' means supporting local people, local communities and local causes.  The charities selected were voted for by LJMU staff and will be given a platform to promote their activities and causes, raise funds through the Give as You Earn initiative and secure additional support from staff, students and other volunteers.

LJMU Vice-Chancellor Professor Nigel Weatherill, commented at the event: “I am delighted to launch this exciting initiative. A University should have a civic conscience and understand what is taking place around it in the community and use its resources, people and expertise to contribute to positive changes.”

David Carter, Chief Executive of The Whitechapel Centre said, “We are delighted to have been voted for by LJMU staff, it is wonderful that they are so supportive of our work with the homeless in Liverpool. We already have good links with LJMU, including offering placements for social work students, but we are looking forward to developing the partnership even further.” 

David and Ruth with Alison Bryant from LJMU

 For further information please visit: