Tuesday 27 August 2013

The Royal Acadamy of Arts at Crisis Hold Sessions at The Whitechapel Centre

Last week a group of people from the very prestigious Royal Academy of Arts at Crisis, came and took two sessions at our Enablement Centre in Langsdale Street.

The sessions were attended by 16 people, and involved them learning then using different techniques when drawing, including charcoal and shading.

Joe and another of the day's new artists

The sessions helped to rekindle a lost love for art in some of those taking part, and has encouraged them to do more arts with Crisis in the future.

A buffet was then put on for those who had taken part, rounding off what had proven to be a very successful and enjoyable session.

It was a real treat that those who use our services were given the opportunity to learn from such highly skilled and talented people. 

Some of the work from the day
Annie Mac Lean, Arts Co-ordinator from Crisis Skylight Merseyside said, “A huge thank you to the Whitechapel Centre staff who were extremely supportive and spoiled us with a buffet lunch. Without their help we would not have reached as many people."

To find out more about our Enablement Centre and the sessions that take place please visit our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk

Thursday 15 August 2013

Whitechapel Visit to The Western Approaches

A group of Whitechapel service users, along with staff members Carole and Julie, stepped back in time when they visited the Western Approaches.

It was here that Combined Operations worked during the Battle of the Atlantic. The complex was known as 'The Fortress' as it was designed to be both bomb and gas proof, its walls being 3ft thick

The bunker, now restored, played a big part in winning the Battle of  the Atlantic as it was responsible for getting supplies into wartime Britain.

You can still see the telecommunications room just as it was, along with the area where top secret messages were encoded, also the small sleeping quarters and so much more.

There was a section where the group were able to try on helmets and gas masks, which they all thoroughly enjoyed, particularly John looking as if he had stepped right out of Dad's Army!

'John's Army!'
The Western Approaches is a great tribute to the wartime effort fought from a quiet street in Liverpool, and the whole group enjoyed what turned into a very special visit. Joe declared, "It was a fantastic experience."

 To find out more about the Enablement Sessions at The Whitechapel Centre, and the work we carry out each day, please visit our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk

Thursday 1 August 2013

Kate's big acheivement

Each month the Whitechapel Altogether group come together for a meeting led by Resettlement Manager Clair.

The group is open for all current or past service users to take part in as a way of having their say about the services that we provide.

The group discusses any changes that are being made to our services, and their input is essential to the running of our organisation.

It is a Service User Involvement Group, as we recognised that users of our services have much to offer in terms of perspective and experience.

Recently one of our greatest supporters, Kate received an award for her attendance and commitment to the group, and was award a certificate and gift to show our gratitude for all her hard work.

Clair presenting Kate with her certificate

Kate herself has more good news to share, and that is her engagement to fellow group member Joe, finally we have a Whitechapel wedding on the way!! 

To find out more about the Whitechapel Altogether Group, and service user involvement please visit our website at: http://www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk