Wednesday 19 June 2013

Whitechapel's Sarah helps family to a happier home

Clare* and her three children were living in an insecure tenancy and were at risk of homelessness.  

Clare has anxiety and depression which was worsened by her housing situation. This meant that her children were also suffering, worrying about the possibility of losing their home and having to live in a hostel, or worse.

No child should have to feel worried and stressed over the possibility of losing their home.

Whitechapel support worker, Sarah began supporting Clare on our Dual Diagnosis project 7 months ago after they had been living under this stress and insecurity for over 6 months.

Whitechapel Support Worker Sarah

She helped the family to access the Housing Options Service who assessed them as high priority for rehousing and as a result they were offered a house by a housing association. 

Clare and her family have recently moved into the property and are settling in well, with Clare saying “It’s such a nice house .. the house where we lived before was never a home, where as now I finally feel like we have found our home”.

Since moving house her health has improved and her children are no longer feeling stressed and worried.  

Clare added, "So much has changed in a positive way since the Whitechapel has got involved. I really appreciate their help as things were really dismal before to say the least. Since they began helping so many things have improved for me".

To find out more about the work that Sarah's team does, and how you can help, please visit our website at:

*Real names have not been used in this story