Thursday 13 June 2013

Whitechapel's Pre-Volunteers Group Visit to Radio Merseyside

Here at The Whitechapel Centre we run a very successful volunteer program, part of the success being that before joining we run a pre-volunteer training session for people to get a taster of what is ahead.

As a part of this course the group go on visits around Liverpool to get an insight in to different occupations, ideas and histories that may help them as a volunteer.

Whitechapel tutor and support worker, Carole took the group to Radio Merseyside's studio on Hanover Street in Liverpool city centre.

They were met by Andrew Bell, a senior journalist from the station. He made the group feel right at home, introduced the team he worked with, and explained each person's role.

Mervyn, Gary, Margaret, Andrew Bell and Christian (l-r)

The studio itself was a hive of industry, with all of the staff appearing to be very busy, sitting behind screens editing sounds, or selecting text for future broadcasts.

Even the walls of the studio were interesting as they were covered with pictures of famous Liverpudlians both past and present.

One member of the team, Gary said, "This was a very interesting tour which certainly made us aware of all the hard work that keeps a radio station running.".

Mervyn, tutor Carole, Gary and Margaret with Andrew Bell (l-r)
 As the group were on the way out they caught a glimpse of presenters Roger Philips, who was hard at work, and Billy Butler, who was waiting to go on air.

After the excitement of the visit the gang sat outside Bluecoat Chambers in the very rare sunshine, and talked about all that they had just seen and experieneced.

To find out more about the volunteer program at The Whitechapel Centre, or the work that we carry out, please visit our website at: