Thursday 2 May 2013

Whitechapel Team Starts New Gardening Project

The Whitechapel Centre's learning and enablement team are starting up a new gardening project for those who use our services to become involved in.

We are linking in with Kensington Community Centre which is situated near to The Royal Hospital, to help landscape and build a sustainable garden & allotments for use by The Whitechapel Centre and local residents in the Kensington community .

The only problem is, we don't have all the extra pieces of equipment that come in so useful when gardening.

If you are anything like me you will regularly clean out your shed and find so many items that you dont need or use, that the new gardening team could make great use of!

Examples of the things they could use are:

* Plant pots
* Seed trays
* Garden chairs
* Seed packets
* Bulbs
* Gardening tools
* Compost
* Flask (essential on the colder days!)

This is a fabulous new project that can help both those from The Whitechapel that are taking part, and the local community through improving the landscape, and providing a source of freshly grown food.

If you have anything that you feel could help out the team please let Angela or Ruby, from the learning and enablement team, know by calling our Enablement Centre on  0151 207 7617.

For more information on the services that we provide please go to our website at: