Thursday 28 February 2013

Whitechapel Centre visit to the Pagoda Chinese Community Centre, and to FACT

On Tuesday 26th February a group of service users, led by staff member (and tutor) Carole, visited the Pagoda Chinese Community Centre  on Henry Street, Liverpool.

The world famous Chinese Archway in Liverpool's China Town

Liverpool has a large and hugely important Chinese community which the centre provides various different activities and services for.

A guide took them through the centre, advising them of the services that they themselves would be able to access, for example Tai Chi and Chi Gong.

The centre itself looked very attractive, it's walls were still adorned with decoration fro the recent new year's celebrations.

There were colourful dragons and beautiful Chinese calligraphy all around the building making it a feast for the eyes.

On the day there were two sessions that visitors were able to see, firstly the ESOL lesson (English Speaking for Other Languages) classes that we also hold in our Enablement Centre.

Even more exciting they were able to have a listen to the Chinese Youth Orchestra, comprised of many talented young musicians, as they were in to practice that day.

At the end of the visit Carole was aware that none of the members of her group had ever heard of, let alone visited FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) the UK's leading organisation for the support & exhibition of film, art and new media.


The group looked around the multimedia centre and sat down for a much needed refreshment after such an interesting day finding out new things about their city.

For more information on the services that we provide and the activities that take place at our Enablement Centre please go to: