Thursday 29 November 2012

A poem about The Whitechapel Enablement Centre - by Kate Dolphin

Since around August this year Kate has been working as a volunteer for us here at The Whitechapel Centre.

She first came to us during a difficult period in her life, and felt that she was now ready to be a part of the team that could help others.

She has written a wonderful poem inspired by her time working in the reception area of our Enablement Centre.

By Kate Dolphin

Who will come through the door today?
What will they do? What will they say?
Who will speak a kindly word?
What ear will listen to a voice unheard?

All we ask of folk is to show respect
When you have to wait, kindly accept
That someone may have a greater need
Then you will be a friend indeed

So, please one and all sit patiently
Or why not join an activity
You’ll find a talent you did not know
Perhaps make a friend as you onward go

Look back in time and you’ll be able to say
I’m glad I waited around that day
Friends made here are friends for life
And soon may end your trouble and strife

This poem gives a small insight into daily life at our centre from both sides, those using the services, and those who provide them.

Kate is a great example of how with support and guidance, a person's life can change for the better.

Kate showing another side to her artistic nature at The Homeless Games earlier this year

For more information on the work that we do here at The Whitechapel Centre please go to our website at:

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for The Whitechapel Centre, whether it be in fund raising, cooking, or more hands on support please send an email to: