Thursday 18 October 2012

An ecomony in crisis leads to a happy ending, with a little help from The Whitechapel

Lesley, one of The Whitechapel Centre's hard working support team, was supporting a tenant who had been forced to leave her private rented property due to her landlord becoming bankrupt.

The lady in question was sufferring from a rather severe mental health issue and Lesley and her CPN (community psychiatric nurse) were quite worried where she would end up living due to her vulnerable state. She was at serious risk of becoming homeless, a situation that had to be prevented.

Contact was made with Housing Options, and also the single homeless service in order to find somewhere suitable. 

The great news was that she had a successful bid for a new home, one that Lesley had made for her on property pool, and now has a tenancy with a social landlord, LMH (Liverpool Mutual Housing). 

Her new home has recently  been refurbished, and the flat itself is in a lot better condition than the place she was living to begin with, which was unsuitable and in a poor condition.

The lady in question is extremely happy with her new home, and says she "Loves it!", it is smaller and more manageable and therefore more suited to her specific needs.

For more information on the work that is carried out by The Whitechapel Centre, or to find out about the many services we provide, please go to: or call us on 0151 207 8617.