Thursday 4 October 2012

Activities at The Whitechapel Centre - what is available?

Here at the Whitechapel's Enablement Centre each day is filled with activities for those who use our services to attend.

These sessions are also available to anyone who is currently in a hostel, rough sleeping, or of no fixed abode.

These activities cover many different areas, for example indoor classes such as art and craft, or drama groups, which are currently held on a Wednesday morning.

Fridge magnets produced by the Arts and Crafts group

There are outdoor activities for those who want to improve their fitness, or simply just enjoy being outdoors (no matter the weather!). On a Thursday the cycling group get together, an activity that is not just available for the able bodied as we also have specially adapted bikes that may be suitable for individual use.

Volunteers Jim (right) and Dave leading a cycle for health session.

Gardening sessions have started up again, these are used not only to improve the appearance of the local community, but also as a way of keeping fit, and learning a new skill, that could one day even lead to work in that area.

There are also more educational classes avalaiable, such as the English Speaking for Other Languages (ESOL) aimed at the many people that come to us who do not have English as their first language.

There are adult literacy classes, helping people to improve their reading and writing skills, with the aim being that it will improve their every day life.

Along with these educational classes we also hold groups that are more specialised to a specific need, and they are the Alcohol Awareness Classes, set at two different levels depending on what stage an individual is at with their issues with alcohol.

Group sessions often take place in our on site portable cabin.
 Finally there are also classes that are just for FUN!! Bingo sessions, are available every Thursday (just before cycle for health) and there are prizes to be won!!

These are just a small sample of what is available each day at our Enablement Centre for those who access our services. Our aim, and hope is that we can aid people in taking that first step to help themselves, and improving their lives for the better.

For more information on when and what is available please call Ruby on 0151 207 8617.

Alternatively please go to our website by clicking on the following link to see the activities timetable:
There is something for everyone at The Whitechapel's Enablement Centre, dont miss out!!