Thursday 28 June 2012

New addition to The Whitechapel Enablement Centre

On Monday 25th June we had a new arrival at our Enablement Centre on Langsdale Street, Everton.

The new addition was so big it had to be delivered, and put into place, by a crane!!

It was of course our new activities centre, which has made a very welcome addition to the team.

 The old Portakabin was removed last week, and we have replaced it with a new, bigger, brighter structure, more suited to the many activities, group and training sessions that will be taking place within it.

All that is left to do now is use the space for the purpose that it was put there, weekly activities will take place there, art and craft sessions amongst others.

At the end of July we will have our new intake of volunteers who will be training for their new role in the centre too.

For more information on the activities that we hold at our Enablement Centre, and to find out who is eligible to attend please go to our webstie at