Thursday 28 June 2012

LLoyds Register raise more funds for The Whitechapel Centre!

On Saturday 30th June four representatives from Lloyds Register will be taking part in The John Hulley Sefton Triathlon in order to raise funds for The Whitechapel Centre.

Sian Stephens from Lloyds register has been involved in many different fundraising events for us in the past, and this one will certainly push all involved to their limits!

The triathlon is made up of a 150m swim, 5km cycle and finally a 2.5km run, that is for the 3 adults taking part, Sian Stephens, Lawrence Cawley and Claire Antrobus.

The forth member of the team is Kieran Eusebio, who is only in year 3, but still has to do a 25m swim, 800m cycle and a 500m run, a massive amount for a young boy!

The event starts at 9am for the adults and 3pm for the children, at the sports hall in Crosby Leisure Centre, all spectators are welcome to come and support those taking part (for a minimum 50p donation).

If you are interested in sponsoring the team please got to their just giving page at:

Alternatively you can donate by text, free from all mobiles, just send the amount ie. £5,  followed by code QGRV 48 to 70070.

Please show your support for all the team from Lloyds Register and the huge efforts that they are making to raise much needed funds for us here at The Whitechapel Centre.

For more information on where all donations will be going, and to see what they will be used towards, please visit our website at:

New addition to The Whitechapel Enablement Centre

On Monday 25th June we had a new arrival at our Enablement Centre on Langsdale Street, Everton.

The new addition was so big it had to be delivered, and put into place, by a crane!!

It was of course our new activities centre, which has made a very welcome addition to the team.

 The old Portakabin was removed last week, and we have replaced it with a new, bigger, brighter structure, more suited to the many activities, group and training sessions that will be taking place within it.

All that is left to do now is use the space for the purpose that it was put there, weekly activities will take place there, art and craft sessions amongst others.

At the end of July we will have our new intake of volunteers who will be training for their new role in the centre too.

For more information on the activities that we hold at our Enablement Centre, and to find out who is eligible to attend please go to our webstie at

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Robyn's walk for The Whitechapel - update!

As mentioned in a previous blog (Thursday 24th May) Robyn English is taking part in this year's Colourthon to raise funds for The Whitechapel Centre.

So far she has raised £89.00, and she still has 17 days to go!!

To make a donation please go to as every penny, no matter how small, will be going to an excellent cause.

Robyn and her friend on last year's walk!

For more information on the sevices that your donations will be helping please take a look at our website at

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Kabin Krew perform at The Casa

Collective Encounters, the group that helped to set up The Whitechapel's own group, the Kabin Krew are holding an event called 'In Our Times'.

This event is tonight, 13th June at 6.30pm, at The Casa, 29 Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BQ.

Entrance is free, and the Kabin Krew themselves will be performing their self written song.

The event is being held to highlight the corrupting effect of money on politcs, and the poverty experienced by so many children in this country, along with other relevant social issues.

Please pop along and support all the good work that Collective Encounters are undertaking, and see our own group, the Kabin Krew.

For more information on our services please go to http//

Jubilee Celebrations at The Whitechapel Centre

Service users and staff have marked the Queen’s Jubilee with a week-long series of Royal-themed activities. 

Our Literacy group, ESOL (English Speaking for Other Languages) class and drama sessions all focussed on British and Royal themes.

The week was topped off with a fantastic British Buffet.  It’s amazing to think that the queen was already 23 years into her reign when The Whitechapel Centre was established in 1975!

For more in formation on the services that we provide at The Whitechapel Centre please see our website at http//