Tuesday 1 May 2012

Get Ready! Barclays (part 2) and YMCA

During the last 2 weeks the Get Ready! team have been very busy, firstly through returning to Barclays Bank plc for their second training session.

Again the staff at Barclays were thrilled with all the hard work that was carried out, rewarding members of Get Ready! with a certificate to mark their achievements.

Secondly 12 members of the Get Ready! group, went to the YMCA in Liverpool, where they attended the Ready for Work induction.

These 12 people have attended for Get Ready! sessions, meaning they are ready to move onto the next step in their journey.

There they were given a talk by David Smallshaw from Ready for Work  on what prepartory steps needed to be taken in the lead up to returning to work.

Training was also provided in the form of new IT skills and how to write a CV, along with general advice on how best to present yourself for interview.

The next step forward are the two week placements that are coming up, providing all those who are ready with experience of being back at work.

Exciting times ahead for all the Get Ready! team!