Wednesday 4 April 2012

Get Ready! The Story So Far....

The Get Ready! Programme aims to give homeless indivdiuals a head start into starting to think about employment.

So far 62 people have signed up to the program, 48 of those have been inducted and supported onto the intial assement.

16 of those people have comleted 4 or more of the BITC courses that have been running, recieving a certificate at the end of each course.

We hope that most of those who have joined will go on to join the Ready For Work course at the end of it.

Above all, those that have taken part so far have thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and have made a great impression on the companies involved, and us here at The Whitechapel Centre.

For more information please contact Pauline Baysan, Cath Brown or Julie Prendergast on 0151 207 7617

For more information on services at The Whitechapel Centre please go to our website