Friday 16 March 2012

Help us fundraise while you shop online!

You can help us with our fundraising efforts by doing your online buying via 

The system is simple – we have registered The Whitechapel Centre as a group. Your part is dead easy – just create yourself a log in (if you are a facebook user you can use your facebook login for this too) and choose to support The Whitechapel Centre . The team at Mashbo have signed up a huge amount of stores such as ASDA, John Lewis and Comet who have all agreed to pass on a small percentage of your purchase value to whichever group you choose to support at no cost to you. You just need to make sure you log into your mashbo account and then follow their link to the shop you want in order to make your purchase. …easy peasy! It’s a 3 step process for fundraising:
1.       Create login
2.       Choose a group
3.       Shop

For more information or to join,  go to 

Our group page is at

Let all your friends know about this!! All money raised will go a long way towards helping us to continue doing our work providing support to homeless or vulnerably housed people in Liverpool and to be able to provide a complete service that we feel people deserve.