Thursday 9 February 2012

No Second Night Out - NSNO

Since the launch of the NSNO last Thursday we have received 27 calls from the general public.
Most of the calls were made early evening, reporting people outside supermarkets, or public houses in town. When following up the calls we found that the majority of these individuals were actually already accommodated. 

One such call was however from a concerned member of the public, reporting that a man was sleeping rough behind corrugated sheeting in Halewood.  Local residents were becoming increasingly concerned about his behaviour and well being. 
Our newly appointed PAN Merseyside support worker Jo, along with one of our tireless volunteers, Karl,  made contact with the man, accompanied him to The Royal Hospital to have him assessed by the crisis team and  also found him a temporary place to stay.  There is no telling what would have become of this man without the NSNO campaign and the determination of Jo and her team.

For more information on the Liverpool City Region's 'No Second Night Out' Campaign go to: