Monday 27 February 2012

Accommodation Successes

We’ve found accommodation solutions for 17 people in the last 7 days!

What this means is that we have either found people who were rough sleeping somewhere to stay, or prevented a family, or individual from becoming homeless to begin with. Outcomes like this go a long way towards us achieving the No Second Night Out standard across the Liverpool Region and would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of our staff and volunteer teams.

The Whitechapel Centre recognizes that there is no simple ‘one size fits all’ approach to support.  For this reason we provide a broad range of support services that aim to meet a diverse range of needs. If you, or someone you know needs our help please either drop in at our Enablement Centre on Langsdale Street or fill in our referral form here ; or if they are rough sleeping call 0300 123 2041 and one of our outreach team will help them.